Monday, April 23, 2012

Devoting Time

A good friend of mine introduced me to a mom's devotional website. Since I am a new mom, I am definitely facing some challanges. I found the website very insightful and refreshing. It reminds me of what I am blessed with...the gift of a child. Even 3 weeks into being a mom, I find myself getting caught up in the daily routines and losing focus of what my job is as a mother. I need a daily reminder of what God has given me and what I need to do for my child to help her grow through his eyes.

We are always quick to go to Him when we need something or when things are bad, but it is times like these when we simply need to be thankful and reminded of how truly blessed we really are. Life definitely has its ups and downs, but are they always as bad as we make them out to be? Take advantage of the negative moments and find something positive in them. 

I need to remind myself to do this daily. is the daily devotional for today! Check it out! Manna For Moms

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Well this is my first blog...ever. I am not sure how well I will do keeping up with it, but I'll try! I wanted to start this to keep track of what is happening in my life at this point and share it with you guys. So much has happened in the past year and it is only the beginning. My life has gone from happy wife to happy wife and mother. Things have been interesting and I am enjoying the ups and downs of motherhood. So this is a way for me to reflect back on what is going on and hopefully laugh or cry about it later on!
For now I am just going to enjoy the ride and love up on my two favorite people in the world!
She's my lil sumo baby! lol :)